87. See an amputee stripper.

Wait, what? When did that happen?

Some force in the multiverse (insert diety of your choice here) has apparently decided my life was too easy and 2009 was the time to fix all that.

First, I had to move. Don't get me wrong, I got a few benefits out of that but moving sucks. And now, I'm moving not one, not two, but FOUR more times in the next 4 months with two of those moves being essentially couch-surfing. The icing on the homeless cake is that apparently, there won't be a place available for me in Germany when August has to be there so I'm... NOT GOING. Not yet, anyway. August goes, then finds a home for us, then I get to go. The estimate is 60 to 140 days for that to happen.

Second, I got laid off. As if being a giant negative on the balance sheet of the company I served loyally for over four years isn't enough, the timing is absolutely fucking rotten. Remember those four moves I talked about above? Tell me how I'm supposed to get a job if I'm not in one place for more than a couple months. Really, how?

Third, and I know this is minor, the pharmacy couldn't read the doctor's handwriting for the ONE prescription I really needed. I've been suffering from vertigo for several days so the doctor gave me something to fight a possible infection (and it may cause dizziness), something to drain the fluid from my ears (and it may cause dizziness), and something to fight the dizziness. Guess which one they couldn't read?

And finally, the kittens have fleas. I don't think I need to elaborate.

I'm not sure if I can call it official since I still technically have my Houston apartment, but I now live in Tennessee. With my husband.

I'll just wait here while that sinks in.

After three weeks of packing (I move slowly), two days of loading the truck, and two days of driving, we're here. The kittens, poor dears, have been such troopers. During the packing, they enjoyed box city. So many places for mischievous kittens to hide. During moving day, however, they got locked in the bathroom and DID NOT LIKE IT. When we finally let them out, they had knocked over their food and water bowls, scattered litter everywhere, and torn up everything they could get their claws in to.

The driving was as tedious as it sounds, and I didn't even drive! August did. I'm not sure I could have handled that much driving with such a huge vehicle. The kittens hung out in their carrier in the seat between us. For the first two hours they were frantic. Then they calmed down and slept pretty much the whole day. That night, the hotel we picked to stay in didn't allow pets and had signs everywhere stating as much and warning us that the premises were video monitored (and they were). So we snuck them in James Bond style.

I am now convinced that they will NEVER sleep with us at night. Those little monsters made noise all. damn. night. Pouncing on toes, stampedes across the pillows, wrestling on the chairs. It's amazing how much noise they make =)

We arrived at around 8 last night and unpacked the kitten stuff and a tiny sliver of the boxes from the truck. August and one of his friends are going to do the rest at some point today. I'll help once I'm finished working (oh yeah! I'm supposed to be working right now...).

I have so much crap, I'm in awe, and a little afraid. It completely filled a 17 foot uhaul and my car. I'll probably do another purge now that we're here. I mean, our kitchen doesn't have any drawers!!

Anyhow, I'm here and all I can think is how much I want is some Taco C =)

Shirt of POWER

That would be my stomach rumbling. Moral question: If my husband is too jet lagged (i.e. asleep) to go to dinner with me, can I eat his lunch left overs instead?

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